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Navigating Solar Victoria’s New Solar Battery Interest-Free Loans Program

August 11, 2023

In a world moving steadily towards sustainable energy solutions, Australia has been a pioneer in taking up solar power. The 2023-24 Victoria State Budget unveiled a significant update to the Solar Battery program by Solar Victoria, showcasing the state’s commitment to clean energy adoption. This article delves into the intricacies of the revamped program, its eligibility criteria, application process, and the critical role of retailers in guiding consumers through the transition.

Adopting the Solar Battery Revolution

In a bid to accelerate the adoption of solar battery technology, Solar Victoria’s new initiative transitions from offering rebates to providing interest-free solar battery loans. Starting July, eligible Victorian homeowners can now access loans of up to $8,800, ensuring that the benefits of sustainable energy are more accessible than ever before. But before considering the financial aspect, homeowners are encouraged to consider the suitability of a battery for their unique circumstances.

Research and Retailers: Key to Informed Decisions

The decision to invest in a solar battery is not to be taken lightly. Homeowners should undertake thorough research to determine if a battery aligns with their energy needs and future plans. This is where authorized Solar Victoria retailers like Solar Miner play a pivotal role. Our team helps you make informed decisions, educating you about the product’s suitability and help determining the optimal system size to cater to your present and future household requirements.

In general, retailers, in collaboration with consumers, should explore various system configuration options, including provisions for backup power during grid outages. A comprehensive understanding of the product’s expected performance and limitations is essential, and retailers must adhere to the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) standards, ensuring transparency and consumer empowerment.

The Financial Equation: Loans and Savings

While the allure of reduced out-of-pocket costs through interest-free loans is compelling, it’s important to address the financial considerations associated with solar batteries. Although batteries offer substantial energy bill savings, the monthly repayment for a battery loan might not be entirely offset by these savings, especially in the initial years.

Prospective battery loan applicants should be aware that for the maximum loan amount, repayments over four years equate to $183.34 per month. Solar Victoria’s responsible lending approach ensures loans are extended only when the risk associated with the application is deemed appropriate, safeguarding both consumers and the state’s investment in renewable energy.

Eligibility Criteria: Opening Doors to Solar Enabling

Solar Victoria’s solar battery loans program is a promising opportunity for Victorians, expanding its scope to include those who have already received Solar Panels (PV) and/or Hot Water rebates. This holistic approach underscores the state’s commitment to a comprehensive suite of sustainable energy solutions.

Eligibility for a battery loan encompasses several factors:

  • Ownership of an existing property for installation
  • Combined household taxable income under $180,000 annually
  • Property valuation below $3 million
  • No prior receipt of a solar battery rebate
  • Existing solar panel system with an inverter capacity equal to or greater than 5kW, or a concurrent installation plan
  • Battery energy storage solution with a capacity equal to or exceeding 6kWh, listed on Solar Victoria’s battery product roster, and no pre-existing energy storage system
  • Pre-approval from the Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) for safe grid connection
  • Separate application for a solar panel (PV) rebate if installing a PV system alongside a solar battery installation
  • Primary residence status (not applicable to second homes or rental properties)
  • The Application Process: A Two-Stage Journey
  • The application process for a solar battery loan involves two distinct stages, reflecting the increased loan amount compared to Solar Panels (PV) interest-free loans.

Stage 1 – Initial Eligibility Check

To initiate the process, customers must undertake an initial eligibility check via the Solar Homes Service Victoria portal. This stage requires providing a quote number, proof of identity, property ownership, and income. While successful completion confirms meeting the eligibility criteria, it does not guarantee loan approval.

Retailers’ involvement comes into play at this stage, as they can upload quotes reflecting the battery loan amount into the Solar Victoria portal from July 1. Effective date setting, started July 17, ensuring a synchronized approach.

Stage 2 – Loan Application Process

Upon confirmation of initial eligibility, Solar Victoria will engage with the customer, initiating the second stage – the loan application process. Customers will need to provide an Equifax credit check and a financial attestation statement, critical components for assessing their capacity to meet loan payments within the designated four-year timeframe.

It’s essential to note that the credit check requirement kicks in only after eligibility confirmation and subsequent communication from Solar Victoria.


As Victoria takes a momentous step towards augmenting its solar energy landscape, the transition to interest-free solar battery loans brings forth exciting possibilities. Homeowners are encouraged to board on a journey of research and contemplation, aided by authorized Solar Victoria retailers like Solar Miner , who serve as beacons of knowledge and guidance.

Solar Miner is one of the most preferred and leading solar companies in Victoria, get in touch with one of our experts today at 1300285885 to learn more about our latest solar deals. 

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