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Climate Change: There Is A Deeper Crisis Brewing

July 24, 2020

When the world has spent months talking about little else other than coronavirus, it’s easy to forget the other big issues lingering beneath the surface. Climate change is one of those issues, and it’s a deeper crisis that’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Here’s what’s happening right now and how you can affect positive changes in your home.

What Is Happening with Climate Change Right Now?

Recent months have seen startling events that should make us all think harder about climate change. For example, Siberia — a Russian region that’s usually famed for being cold — experienced a heat wave recently. According to some scientists, climate change trends made it 600 times more likely to happen. 

Elsewhere, the Arctic has experienced record-breaking temperatures too. Experts examining the matter believe that greenhouse gases are responsible. Additionally, they have concluded that such temperatures would have been impossible without the damage inflicted by humans.

Are People Becoming More Climate-Conscious?

Most people do take steps to live in a greener way. From stepping away from disposable products through to using hybrid cars, many are making small steps towards protecting the Earth.

Even then, there is still so much more we can do. It’s impossible to ignore the warnings scientists are issuing. When usually freezing areas of the Earth begin experiencing heat waves, it’s clear that we all need to be doing more. Therefore, it’s possible to argue that many households could become more eco-friendly.

How Can People Live a Greener Lifestyle?

One way to live a greener lifestyle is to begin using renewable energy. With a solar panel system, it’s possible to cut your carbon emissions and live an eco-friendly lifestyle with less effort. Solar systems in Melbourne are particularly effective — despite being the least sunny city in Australia, it still enjoys 2,200 glorious sunshine hours each year. 

Installing a solar panel system is one way to be greener. By making a conscious effort to use certain household appliances during the day when the panels are most active, households use even less energy still. Those who add battery storage to their solar systems in Melbourne will have an easier time freeing themselves from traditional grid electricity altogether.

The climate crisis appears to be deepening and now isn’t the time to slow down our efforts to stop it. In addition to using solar panel systems, focusing on recycling and using public transport also prove useful. When more households begin making positive changes, it’s possible to look towards a greener future.

If adding solar panels to your Melbourne home is something that appeals to you, call the team here at Solar Miner on 1300 285 885

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